Tuesday, March 30, 2010

For Sale:

Runway markers for sale:

2'X4'; as is $20.00 and repainted and refurbished $60.00.
Solid orange $50.00.

Please contact Jim Alcock for more information.
E-mail: carolinepollock@hotmail.com
Phone: 403-553-2395

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Recency Requirements

Recency Requirements

401.05(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Subpart, no holder of a flight crew permit, licence or rating, other than the holder of a flight engineer licence, shall exercise the privileges of the permit, licence or rating unless

(a) the holder has acted as pilot-in-command or co-pilot of an aircraft within the five years preceding the flight; or

(b) within the 12 months preceding the flight

(i) the holder has completed a flight review, in accordance with the personnel licensing standards, conducted by the holder of a flight instructor rating for the same category of aircraft,

(ii) the flight instructor who conducted the flight review has certified in the holder's personal log that the holder meets the skill requirements for the issuance of the permit or licence set out in the personnel licensing standards, and

(iii) the holder has successfully completed the appropriate examination specified in the personnel licensing standards.

(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Subpart, no holder of a flight crew permit or licence, other than the holder of a flight engineer licence, shall exercise the privileges of the permit or licence in an aircraft unless the holder

(a) has successfully completed a recurrent training program in accordance with the personnel licensing standards within the 24 months preceding the flight; and

(b) where a passenger other than a flight test examiner designated by the Minister is carried on board the aircraft, has completed, within the six months preceding the flight,

(i) in the case of an aircraft other than a glider or a balloon, in the same category and class of aircraft as the aircraft, or in a Level B, C or D simulator of the same category and class as the aircraft, at least

(A) five night or day take-offs and five night or day landings, if the flight is conducted wholly by day, or

(B) five night take-offs and five night landings, if the flight is conducted wholly or partly by night,

(2) In order to comply with the requirements of 401.05(2)(a), any of the following are considered acceptable as recurrent training programs:

(a) completion of a flight review conducted by the holder of a flight instructor rating in the same category, shall include all items normally covered during the flight test for the issue of that permit or licence;

(b) attendance at a safety seminar conducted by Transport Canada Aviation;

(c) successful completion of a recurrent training program designed to update pilot knowledge, which could include subject areas such as human factors, meteorology, flight planning and navigation, and aviation regulations, rules and procedures that has been approved by the Minister as being satisfactory for those purposes;
(amended 2005/12/01; previous version)

(d) completion of the self-paced study program produced annually in the Transport Canada Aviation Safety Newsletter, which is designed to update pilot knowledge in the subjects specified in (c) above. The completed copy shall be the most current published by date and shall be retained by the licence holder;

(e) completion of a training program or Pilot Proficiency Check as required by Parts IV, VI or VII of the Canadian Aviation Regulations;

(f) completion of the skill requirements for issue or renewal of a pilot permit, licence or rating, including night rating, VFR over-the-top rating, instrument rating, multi-engine class rating, flight instructor rating, landplane or seaplane rating; or
(amended 2000/09/01; previous version)

(g) completion of the written examination(s) for a permit, licence or rating.

Monday, March 15, 2010

March Meeting

The March meeting was a chance for us to go over a number of general business items. Our budget from the Town has been approved for the 2010 year and so a number of projects are going to be in the works. We will be getting paving stones for the front of the pilot's lounge. Several other projects were discussed but not committed to at this time, such as signage for the airport and the construction of the maintenance building. These projects will depend on budget and time.

There was a high interest in obtaining fuel for the field. Several members were requested to look in to it.

Dave Wright announced that he will be starting his hangar as soon as the frost is out of the ground and the Cardston Flying Club welcomes him to the airport.

Our 4th annual Fly-In will be held on Saturday, June 5th. There will be brochures with all the details available at our next meeting.

Your comments and feedback are appreciated! Please click on the comment box and leave a message.